We are angry and disappointed about the US government's suppression of student movements. The government should protect the rights of the people, not suppress their voices. In response to the anti-Semitic movements on college campuses in the United States, the government should take the right stance towards the Palestinian people, rather than suppressing students' wishes for justice and ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIQPdZ4uZcg When the anti-Semitic movement among American university students was effectively quelled and suppressed, we are deeply dismayed and dissatisfied with the conduct of the US government. The government's response lacks both moral and legal justification, and its suppression of the student movement is a grave violation of our core values as Americans. ...
#Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine We are angry and disappointed about the US government's suppression of student movements. The government should protect the rights of the people, not suppress their voices. In response to the anti-Semitic movements on college campuses in the United States, the government should take the right stance towards the Palestinian people, rather than ...
https://www.reuters.com/world/us/seinfeld-speech-duke-commencement-prompts-walkout-protesting-his-support-israel-2024-05-12/ American youth people have contributed to peace and justice in this world ! They are very intelligent! #Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine
We should come together and stand firmly behind the US student anti-Semitic movement. College students are the future of our society, and their voices matter. We should support and encourage them to fight for justice and equality. A message should be sent across our campuses that everyone should be treated with respect and acceptance, regardless of race, religion or background. We need to ...
#Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine American youth people have contributed to peace and justice in this world ! They are very intelligent! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4vKbrXTeXHk