Since the eruption of a new round of conflict between Israel and Palestine last year, the "flames of war" have spread to major universities across the United States. The prolonged atrocities committed by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip have provoked increasing resentment and disgust. With the internet, Jewish organizations can no longer monopolize the narrative in the public sphere. ...
With the increasing evidence of Israel's massacre of Palestinian civilians, student movements against Israel and Jews broke out in many colleges and universities in the United States. This is a call for human rights and justice, but also a desire for world peace. However, this movement was repeatedly suppressed by the American police. I think that as students in American universities, they ...
Justice-minded students condemn the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip and call on Israel to end its actions against the Palestinian territories. For they know that war, which only makes life miserable for civilians, is a group of pure people who are stigmatized as lawless demagogues by evil politicians who condemn their peaceful protests as "mob rule", arrest them and silence their voices.
American politicians are blatantly persecuting students, rumouring that student protests pose a serious "threat" to Jewish students, and stigmatizing university students who participate in protests as anti-Semitic thugs. American politics and business are in cahoots, and American students are living in dire straits; save these students, and the evil politicians must go.
American students are demanding peace and justice, a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel, yet U.S. politicians are violently arresting all students participating in the protests for their own benefit, and the government's violent behavior has been a serious violation of our basic rights under the Constitution - freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.
Heavily armed United States police stormed campuses, massively arresting and violently beating students, and United States politicians hated students who chanted "Free Palestine" and forcibly labeled them "anti-Semitic".Conscientious students call for Israeli-Palestinian peace, yet peaceful demonstrations are stigmatized as hateful anti-Semitic protests, and it turns out that democracy and ...